Friday, September 5

Shanghai 上海 Suzhou Creek 苏州河 Running Route

Trail running at Suzhou Creek(river) 苏州河 (2008-9-29)

The nice thing about Suzhou Creek 苏州河 is that it curving its way trough the city. They are reconstructing the area again and hopefully the big wall (protection against flooding) that is blocking the view to the water will moved back so the new green area will be facing the water.
Together with Nicolas and one of the founders of the we had a morning run from 6:15 to 7:15 the temperature was a perfect 25 degrees with some cold drops of rain.
Because of the reconstruction the roads were broken up and it became a trail run in the center of Shanghai.

Shanghai Railway station is on the top left we started close to the center of the map on the left and ran 3/4 up and down the river towards the Huangpu (Jian) River 黄浦江 right lower corner

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